Once you are a member of your local GAC, you are the only member in that category of business (i.e., one realtor, attorney, home care company, etc…)
Our membership consists of geriatric professionals and those who support them! It’s about being part of a group of people who:
Licensed Professionals who practice in the eldercare marketplace; i.e., Elder-Attorney, Real Estate Down-size specialists, etc.
Service Providers that assist with senior products and /or services
Non-Profit Entities who need to get their message out and also need the GAC’s membership real world resources.
Business To Business entities that support the above members and their clients. These entities typically do not speak at public events but provide the resources our members need to operate their businesses.
Try to think of the GAC as a platform for marketing of your entity, coupled with real referrals from like-minded business people. We provide information thru our various outreach efforts and have found that giving someone the gift of a plan of action, brings not only better quality of life for their loved ones but for the businesses as well.
We do not consider ourselves a sales based company nor a networking organization. We stimulate growth thru awareness, both in the community and via the local peer network.
As a GAC member you will be asked to participate in public speaking and resource showcase events designed to educate both individuals and organizations in your region. These outreach events are not a pitch for your services (although you may provide your materials, answer questions, let people know you are available to help if they would like to speak with you after a presentation, etc…), but more about fostering knowledge and goodwill. We do not allow any direct sales at these events. Members who engage in any such activity will be asked to leave the GAC. Members are required to dress and carry themselves in a professional manner.
* The sign-up page has a more complete list of membership categories that are available in your local area.